Online Newsletter #10

December 2002

Happy Holidays from the Society of American Girl Collectors!

American Girl Place to open in New York City

As has been mentioned on the Society message board, Pleasant Company will be opening a new American Girl Place in New York City next year. This rumor was officially confirmed by Pleasant Company, and they say it will be on Fifth Avenue and open sometime in early fall of 2003. Thanks to all who mentioned this on the boards.

Pleasant Company Books for 2003

Thanks to Society member Sarah for letting us know about more books Pleasant Company will be publishing in the spring of 2003. They are:

History Mystery: Trouble at the Wild West Show
Wild at Heart: Race to the Finish (#12)
Historical girl activity books: Art Studios for Kaya, Samantha, Kit, and Molly

Hallmark holds AG Sweepstakes

Hallmark is holding a sweepstakes that you can enter by snail mail. There are 12 Grand Prizes consisting of a trip for four to American Girl place, including airfare, luxury hotel accomodations, $100 Hallmark gift certificate, dinner at the cafe, admission to the show, gift basket of products from the Hallmark American Girls Collection, custom memory book of the trip, four additional meals at other restaurants, admission to other Chicago attractions, an American Girl doll of the winner's choice, and $300 to spend at American Girl Place. You must be 18 or older to enter. You can pick up an entry form at your local Hallmark Gold Crown Store. There is no limit to how many entries you may send in. All entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2002, and received by Jan. 7, 2003.

Felicity items backordered for the Holidays

Society member Karen N. lets us know that a large number of Felicity items, including the Felcitity doll herself, are on backorder. You might want to keep this in mind while shopping for the holidays. I guess Felicity is more popular that Mattel thinks!

Society starts a Petition

[This petition was submitted to Pleasant Company and closed in 2003. --ed.] The Society has started a petition to Pleasant Company and Mattel on the site, and you can submit your thoughts on the retirement of historical doll accessories. It is a bit different from a regular petition in that the text of the petition is what you choose to write. All submissions will be compiled and sent when the total number of submissions reaches 100. Don't forget to read the petition's rules and guidelines before submitting!

Monthly Membership Update

Here are the membership stats for November:
New Members: 13
New State: Delaware
Total members: 125

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