Online Newsletter #14
Check here for the latest and greatest, brought to you by the Society of American Girl

A Glimpse of the Next Girls of Many Lands
Society member Sarah J. found some pictures of the new Girls of Many Lands on the Master Collector
website. The exact page can be seen
here. Scroll halfway down the page to see the pictures. There are small
pictures of Kaya, Saba, and Kathleen. A portion of Leyla's dress can be seen in the Saba picture.
Also, I got some more info on the Girls of Many Lands
from Society member Barbara S. She says, "at IDEX (International Doll Expo) I attended a special
Helen Kish event. She told us all about her experience with Pleasant Company and the process she
went through in submitting the sculpts for the Girls of Many Lands - and being the winner. She did
say she did 10 but that only 9 were used . . . the one for the Eskimo/Aleut doll was not used
because it was smiling . . . BUT they kept it in case they wanted to use it later. (The Asian doll
face was used twice for the series.) Who knows - we may see it in the new group!" Thanks

Possible Changes to Molly Book Covers
Liz posted on the boards and reported that AG is
creating prototype covers for
Meet Molly and
Molly Learns a Lesson. These covers had
close-ups of Molly illustrations on them: Molly in her hula costume and Molly outside the
Hargate's house in her raincoat. Alternate covers had another small illustration at the top of the
book above the bigger illustration. Will American Girl change the covers of the historical books
again? We'll have to wait and see!

Society Get-Together Date Announced
Mark your calendars now--the first Society in-person get-together will be Saturday, July 12 at
American Girl Place in Chicago. Hope to see many of you there!!

Bitty Baby & Bitty Twins Collections Expand
Here's an update on the latest additions to the Bitty Baby and Bitty Twins lines from the
last couple months:
For Bitty Baby: Strawberry birthday set, with a pink dress with
fruit print, bib for Bitty Bear, a book, and a cake; strawberry tea party set with a teapot, tea
cozy, two cups, saucers, forks, and napkins; a stars & stripes set with a red, white, & blue outfit
(a matching one is sold for girls), a hat & flag for Bitty Bear, a book, and a trike horn; a red
trike; and a Beautiful Blooms outfit with a teal dress (a matching one is sold for girls), lamb
pull toy, book, and Easter Egg costume for Bitty Bear.
For the Bitty Twins: The Sunny
Day set, with shorts & a shirt for the boy and a flowery dress for the girl, as well as shoes and a
book; and a hair care set with a brush, mirror, and vinyl carrying bag.

Interesting Kit Picture
Sarah J. also
found the following Kit Picture while browsing the web. We don't know what it is, but think it
might have been a draft from when Kit was being designed. An interesting take on her "Meet"

April Character Feature
This month we are featuring Addy!
Click here to access a page with projects and historical facts relating to
Addy and the Civil War era.

Monthly Membership Update
Here are the membership stats for March:
Members: 9
New State: Louisiana
Total members: 182

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