Online Newsletter #15
May/June 2003
What you want to know about American Girl, brought to you by the Society of American Girl Collectors!

The Scoop on this Fall's New Titles
Thanks to Society member Sarah J.'s usual good sleuthing, we have a source for all the latest on Pleasant Company's fall titles--and there are a bunch! The site is for Pleasant Company Publications, and you can view the website
here. First up is a new line of historical girl paper dolls. No Felicity, however. :( Instead of using tabs, the paper dolls will feature reusable stickers. The back cover of Kaya's paper dolls shows a not-yet-seen dress. Will she get a new outfit this fall? There will also be a book called
Samantha's Christmas Crafts, and it will feature how-to's for 35 Victorian crafts and supplies for 5. A book reported in an earlier newsletter,
Kaya's World, will be coming out this fall as well.
A picture of the back of Kaya's paper dolls
Also available for viewing is the book for the next Limited Edition Girl of Today, Kailey, and you can see the three book covers for the next Girls of Many Lands books. A veritable wealth of new titles includes Coconut books, a series called Hopscotch Hill School, books about a sixth-grader named Skye O'Shea, another History Mystery called
Ghost Light on Graveyard Shoal, a book titled
The Sisters Club, additions to the Amelia and Angelina Ballerina series, and more titles for the American Girls Library. Whew!

2003 AG Summer Reading Program
Once again, American Girl has started a summer reading celebration. Go to the
official site for more details on the following offers:
1) Get an American Girl T-shirt free with every purchase of 3 AG books priced at $5.95 or more.
2) Get a $10 AG gift certificate when you buy any two books in the American Girls Collection at your favorite bookstore.
3) Find a printable $1 coupon (for use on American Girls Collection book purchases at Borders)--plus printable bookmarks and a character quiz--in the Fun For Girls section of the American Girls website. (Hurry--coupon good only through 5/31/03.)

NYC AG Place Update
Mattel's website now has a concept drawing of the New York City American Girl Place! The store will be 42,000 square feet as opposed to 37,500 for the Chicago store. The address is 609 Fifth Avenue (at 49th Street). The picture is below.

Don't Forget!
Just a reminder to make your travel plans now if you haven't already for the Society's first in-person get-together at AG Place Chicago on July 12, 2003! The more the merrier!

May/June Character Feature
In this issue we are featuring Samantha!
Click here to access a page with projects and historical facts relating to Samantha and the Victorian era. If you haven't read all of Samantha's books yet, now is a great time to check them out from a library or borrow them from a friend and learn more about America in 1904.

Monthly Membership Update
Here are the membership stats for April:
New Members: 6
New Country: Singapore
Stats for May:
New members: 8
Total members: 194

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