Online Newsletter #25
December 2004/January 2005
The Society of American Girl™ Collectors brings you the winter news!

Marisol Debuts
On December 27, 2004, American Girl debuted their "Girl of the Year 2005," named Marisol Luna. Marisol is a Hispanic girl who loves dance. Marisol comes dressed in a trendy outfit (a version of which is also sold for girls) and a self-titled book. The rest of her collection includes a pink outfit for ballet class, a set with a cat and a duffel bag of dancer's necessities, a tap dance outfit, and a performance trunk that comes with a jazz dance outfit. Marisol will be available for one year or while supplies last, so take a look at the
American Girl online store to see pictures and more details!

Nellie & Samantha--New Items
Also on December 27th, American Girl released new dresses for Samantha and Nellie! They are called "spring party" dresses, but they are featured on the cover of a new Valentine craft book,
Samantha's Valentine Crafts, a book with ideas and supplies for 37 Valentine's Day projects. Samantha's dress is white with a pink floral print and pink accenting, and it comes with a hairbow and Valentines you can make. Nellie's dress is pink with white trim, and it comes with shoes, a hairbow, and a necklace. See pictures on the American Girl website and in the 2005 catalog, coming soon!

Hopscotch Hill--Upcoming Book
The next book in the Hopscotch Hill School series appears to be
The One and Only Delaney, scheduled for a June 1, 2005 release. Does this mean there will be a new doll named Delaney? Apparently we will find out this summer!

December/January Character Feature
In this issue, we are featuring Molly!
Click here to access a page with projects and historical facts relating to Molly and the WWII era, taken from
The American Girls Club Handbook. We have featured Molly before, but this is all new! Enjoy!

Monthly Membership Stats
Here are the membership stats:
New members in November: 8
New members in December: 6
Total members: 319

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