Online Newsletter #27
May/June 2005
The Society of American Girl™ Collectors presents the summer news!

Elizabeth's Features Changed!
Many reliable reports, including the cover of
Very Funny, Elizabeth, have revealed that the features of Elizabeth, brown-haired and brown-eyed in the original Felicity books, have been changed so that the Elizabeth doll will be blonde-haired and blue-eyed! The excuse given by AG is that she would have looked too much like Felicity otherwise. I don't know how brown hair is like red or brown eyes are like green, but that is what they said. According to the book cover, she will come out in a pink dress that resembles Felicity's Christmas dress. You can see the book cover and more details
here at the Pleasant Company Publications site. There will also be an Elizabeth mini doll & book.

More Felicity News
Here is a rundown of all the latest Felicity news. She is definitely getting a movie this fall, entitled "Felicity: An American Girl Adventure." You can see more about it on the WB's website
here. Felicity will be back in the catalog this fall as well. Her
Meet Felicity dress has been changed to the lavendar striped traveling gown, but her old
Meet Felicity rose print dress will remain available. You can see the new cover of
Meet Felicity, as well as the other redesigned book covers, on the
Pleasant Company Publications website. She will have some new outfits, and it is possible that some retired outfits will be re-released as well. It promises to be an exciting fall for Felicity fans!

New AGOT items
Tracy (Board name: OSusannah) from the American Girl Fans message board reports that there will be two new AGOT dolls this fall: Hispanic and biracial with curly hair. AG is also debuting a new AGOT outfit on their
website called the On-The-Go outfit. This $34 outfit includes a jacket, tank top, skirt & tights, pants, sneakers, headband, and an address book. Click the link above for pics and details.

Los Angeles AGP Confirmed
Tracy also reports that the Los Angeles American Girl Place is confirmed, and that it will be the last of the American Girl Place stores. This is exciting news for those near LA, but unfortunate for those with no American Girl Place near them. I don't yet know an estimated date for this store to open.

New Hopscotch Hill Books
Ellen from the American Girl Fans Message Board says that there will be some new books in the Hopscotch Hill book series, including one for Avery. Tracy reports, however, that there are no more dolls planned for the line.

Monthly Membership Stats
Please forgive me if I get several months behind on updating the directory. It comes with being a new mom! :) When you join, however, your email is automatically immediately entered onto the newsletter mailing list, so don't worry about that.
Here are the membership stats:
New members in April: 3
New members in May: 2
Total members: 345

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