Online Newsletter #31
February/March 2006

New Historical Books & Outfits
In February,
American Girl released three new historical girl mystery books:
Peril at King's Creek: A
Felicity Mystery, Secrets in the Hills: A Josefina Mystery, and
The Stolen Sapphire: A
Samantha Mystery. In addition, there is a fourth mystery book entitled
Mysteries, which contains a number of very short stories (riddles/brainteasers) involving the
historical characters. Also released were outfits and accessories for Samantha, Kit, and Molly.
Samantha received a teal bicycling bloomer outfit and a three-wheeled bicycle, Molly received a
yellow and turquoise roller skating outfit and turquoise roller skates, and Kit received a scooter
outfit (another feedsack creation) and a scooter made from a crate with a place for her dog, Grace.
For pictures and prices, see
the American
Girl online store.

Other New Products
Other recently released AG items include a Kickin' Back
outfit and Embroidered Party Dress for the Just Like You dolls. Bitty Baby has some new items, and
the American Girl Library contains some new titles, including the book
Tiny Treats written
by SOAGC's own Julia Monroe!

Emily doll and Molly movie Confirmed!
Now we have it straight from the horse's
mouth (Mattel's shareholder report, that is)--Molly's English friend Emily is going to be the new
friend doll, and the next American Girl movie will be about Molly (and Emily too, presumably)! The
shareholder report even contains a picture of the Emily doll to be released this fall! To see it,
click here and
scroll down to page 13. Thank you to the sleuths at the American Girl Fans message board for this

AGPLA set to open this April
Again from the shareholder report (page 16), we
have information that American Girl Place Los Angeles will be opening in April 2006. How exciting
for West Coast fans!

This Issue's Character Feature
In this issue, the character feature will
highlight Addy, Samantha, and Molly. (Kit was not yet created when the handbook was published.)
Click here to read more about your favorite characters!

Monthly Membership Stats
Please forgive me if I get several months behind on updating the directory. It comes with being a
mom! :-) When you join, however, your email is automatically immediately entered onto the
newsletter mailing list, so don't worry about that.
Here are the membership stats:
New members in January: 5
New members in
February: 10
Total members: 418

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