Online Newsletter #33

June 2006

More Short Story Info

The new titles page at gives us more information on the historical characters' short story collections coming out this fall, including pictures of the covers and selected pages. The website also reveals that in order for all the historical characters to have five stories in their collections, the three characters that did not have five previously published short stories (Felicity, Kit, and Kaya) will have new stories in their collections! The new short stories will be: Felicity's Valentine, Kit's Winning Ways, Kit Uses Her Head, Kit and Millie Ride Again, Kaya and the Beavers, Kaya and the Flood, Kaya and the Injured Dog, and Kaya and the Grandmothers. It is great to find out that the historical characters' short stories aren't going permanently out of print and that there will be new short stories too!

Further Emily Book and Molly Movie Details also now has information on the new Emily book, Brave Emily. You can see the cover and selected pages here.

The latest word on the Molly movie is that it began filming on May 23rd in Toronto, Canada and will be shown on the Disney Channel in November. Two of the actresses in the movie are Maya Ritter as Molly and Tory Green as Emily.

Society Gets New Look!

I hope everyone likes the new look that I have designed for the Society's site. I hope it is easily readable and involves less scrolling and fits in everyone's window better than the last layout did. If you encounter any problems with the layout or broken links, please email me and let me know. A huge thanks to my wonderful friend Meg for letting me have webspace so that the Society's site does not have any ads or go down when too many people access it, as it used to on my free Yahoo! GeoCities site.

This Issue's Character Feature

In this issue, I am featuring tidbits about Felicity, Josefina, and Kirsten's times from The American Girls Club Handbook. (Kaya was not yet released when the handbook was published.) Felicity, Josefina, and Kirsten have been featured before, but this is all new. Enjoy!

Monthly Membership Stats

Please forgive me if I get several months behind on updating the directory. It comes with being a mom! :-) When you join, however, your email is automatically immediately entered onto the newsletter mailing list, so don't worry about that.

New members in May: 4
Total members: 428

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