Online Newsletter #38

May/June 2007

Lots of Julie & Ivy News!

Julie and Ivy's books are now up at American Girl Publishing's website! Some new information includes the exact time period (1974-1976), the setting of the books (San Francisco), and Julie and Ivy's full names (Julie Albright and Ivy Ling). Julie is definitely a blonde Caucasian and Ivy is Chinese American. There is a page for each book in the series, each of which includes a picture and a synopsis of the book. It appears that major themes will include: divorce (Julie's parents are divorced), changes for women in society, Chinese New Year, America's Bicentennial, and environmentalism. You can check out Julie's books by clicking on the link above and choosing the "online catalog" section, and then "Julie" under "Historical Characters."

Other Upcoming Titles

If you want to check out the other new titles coming from AG this fall, click on the AG Publishing site link above and head to the "new titles" section. There will be "cooking studio" books for Felicity, Samantha, Kit, and Molly, as well as AG trading cards, a couple games, and some more titles from the AG library including some craft books on doll tees and paper doll fashion.

Pending Historical Retirements

Sadly, the list of historical items that are retired, retiring, or possibly retiring sometime this year just seems to keep growing. The American Girl Fans Message Board tries to keep good tabs on those items in this thread on the message board. This is very helpful information for historical collectors!

This Issue's Character Feature

In this issue, I am featuring tidbits about Addy, Samantha, and Molly's times from The American Girls Club Handbook. (Kit was not yet released when the handbook was published.) Addy, Samantha, and Molly have been featured before, but this is all new. Enjoy!

Monthly Membership Stats

Please forgive me if I get several months behind on updating the directory. It comes with being a mom! :-) When you join, however, your email is automatically immediately entered onto the newsletter mailing list, so don't worry about that.

New members in April: 3
New members in May: 4
Total members: 481

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