Online Newsletter #41
January - March 2008

New Julie Items are Here!
American Girl has released new birthday and summer items for Julie! Her birthday dress set includes a peasant dress with floral borders, a beaded choker, and a wide-brimmed woven paper hat. Her birthday goodies set includes a metal hibachi-style grill, two shrimp-and-pineapple skewers, two plates, two napkins, two root beer floats, a woven picnic basket, and a colorful Mexican-style woven blanket. Her 2-in-1 summer outfit includes a terrycloth hooded jacket and matching red satin shorts, a halter-top swimsuit with a floral print, flip-flops, sunglasses, and a beach towel. A pair of blue and yellow roller skates is sold separately. Head over to
the American Girl Store website for pictures and prices!

Mia and Other New AG Items
In January, AG released the Girl of the Year 2008, Mia. Ice skater Mia arrives in a hot pink sweater with a snowflake on it, a skirt, tights, and blue high top sneakers. Also available for Mia are accessories which include a pair of white skates, guards, skate bag, and a music player, dock, and headphones; a pair of purple skates and guards; a turquoise performance outfit; a practice outfit with tee, sport pants, and scarf; a 2-in-1 skate outfit with turtleneck sweater, gloves, denim mini skirt, fleece hat, hockey jersey, and a hockey stick and puck; a display set with a stand and a reversible backdrop that can be an ice rink or frozen pond scene; lavendar pajamas; bedroom accessories with posters, ribbons and a trophy, bedspread, plush animals, books, a calendar and stickers; and a three-sided bedroom furniture set with a fold-up bed, desk and chair, and closet.
There are also a lot more Just Like You outfits and accessories, including outfits and accessories for the beach, gardening, skateboarding, tennis & golf, and springtime, plus a bridesmaid dress, a coconut fun outfit, and a trellis swing. You can see everything in the What's New section of the American Girl Store website.

First Girl of the Year 2009 Book Tidbits
According to
this page, the girl of the 2009 will have two books, and Mary Casanova will be their author. Casanova is the author of the Girls of Many Lands book
Cecile: Gates of Gold.

Kit Movie Stills at IMDB
There are now 14 pictures from the Kit movie over at the Internet Movie Database website.
Click here to go right to the Kite movie page and check out the pictures. There are a lot of very well-known actors and actresses in the Kit movie!

American Girl Places to Close Theaters
All three American Girl Place stores will be closing their theaters in 2008. New York and Chicago are closing their theaters in September 2008. The last performance in Los Angeles will take place April 13th. American Girl says that demand for the show has not been able to meet business expectations. There is no word yet on what will be done with the theater space in the stores.

Monthly Membership Stats
I am in the process of redesigning the directory, so that's why I haven't added any names for months. When you join, however, your email is automatically immediately entered onto the newsletter mailing list.
New members in December: 7
New members in January: 11
New members in February: 4
Total members: 539

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