Online Newsletter #42
April/May 2008

Ruthie Doll Details!
The actual Ruthie doll has been spotted! She has dark brown hair, gray eyes, no bangs, and a classic face mold, and she is dressed in a purple floral print dress with darker purple trim, like what can be glimpsed beneath her coat in the picture on the front of her book (picture of the book
here). is having a drawing for Kit and Ruthie, and there are some pictures on the site, but the color is a little off.
Click here for the contest page.

New Kit Movie Trailer
American Girl has posted a new trailer for the Kit Kittredge movie on its Movie Headquarters page (click
here). From the trailer, it seems that the movie follows an entirely new plot, different from any of the books.

New Boutique & Bistro to Open in Boston
The website has published an article,
found here, which announces that a new 20,000 square foot AG Boutique & Bistro will open at the Natick Collection shopping mall in Boston in November 2008. Boston-area AG fans will be excited to hear this news!

Monthly Membership Stats and Directory Redesign
I have finally redesigned the membership directory into a page of membership stats that will hopefully prove more interesting to peruse. Site viewers will easily be able to see how many of our members are from each different state and country, how many members listed each AG doll as their favorite, what ages our members are, when they joined, and more.
Here are the latest monthly membership stats:
New members in March: 6
New members in April: 1
Total members: 546

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