Online Newsletter #47

May-July 2009

Rebecca Rubin is Released!

On May 31st, American Girl released its tenth main historical character, Rebecca Rubin! Rebecca lives in New York in 1914 and is from a family of Russian Jewish immigrants. Following the trend of having smaller and smaller collections for historical characters, American Girl released a modestly-sized collection for Rebecca. Though small, it does include some neat-looking items! Besides the doll herself and her "Meet Rebecca" accessories, AG also offers: a school outfit, a school set with a lunch and school supplies, a sideboard, a Sabbath set, a fancy "movie" dress, kittens, a nightgown, a robe and slippers set, and a bed. There is also a mini Rebecca doll & book available. See everything on Rebecca's page on the American Girl website!

New Items for JLY, Bitty

Just Like You and the Bitty dolls also got new clothing and accessories recently. There is almost too much to list here, so check it out on the "What's New" section of the AG website. There are casual outfits, school supplies (including an adorable new lunch and school chair!), sports outfits, and much, much more!

AG Happy Meal Toys

Here's another first for American Girl--Happy Meal toys at McDonald's! According to the McDonald's Happy Meal toys website, American Girl toys will be the next items featured (along with Lego Racers for boys) after their current run of Ty Teenie Beanie Babies has ended. On the website you can only see one small picture, but the girl is holding what looks like a book or folder that has Addy on the front. Some reports from members at the American Girl Fans Message Board indicate that the items will be some kind of book or craft or scrapbooking kit.

Monthly Membership Stats & Milestone

Another milestone--we've hit 600 members! Wow! Here are the latest monthly membership stats:

New members in April: 1
New members in May: 6
New members in June: 5
Total members: 608

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