Online Newsletter #51
Summer 2010

"My American Girl" and Innerstar University
Once again, the line formerly known as "American Girl Today," then later "Just Like You," has undergone a name change. Now these modern dolls will be called "My American Girl," or MyAG for short. Along with the name change comes a whole new dimension to American Girl, too--Innerstar University. Innerstar University is a safe online world found at that will feature an online illustrated version of a girl's "My American Girl" doll. Each "My American Girl" doll sold will now come with access to InnerstarU. American Girl touts Innerstar University as "a fun, enriching, and safe online world created for you and your doll. Together you can play games, make friends, earn awards, and learn to be your very best in everything you do!"

Kansas City-Area Boutique and Bistro Coming
On September 4th, 2010, American Girl will open up its newest Boutique and Bistro at Oak Park Mall in Overland Park, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City. Kansas City-area fans are definitely excited for a store to open in their neck of the woods soon!

Recent Releases
The Girl of the Year 2010, Lanie, recently received some additions to her collection: a nature outfit consisting of a yellow tee with an owl on it, denim capris, a multicolored scarf, and blue rubber boots; and a nature set that includes a white denim jacket with a dragonfly on it, binoculars that really magnify, a bird identification book, and a jar with faux grass and ladybugs in it.
The MyAG line also expanded. Along with the new feature of access to Innerstar University, MyAG's now come in a new lavendar and purple outfit. There are new outfits, including some sports/athletic outfits, sweet treats pajamas, casual outfits, a raincoat and boots set, a black cat costume, horse riding outfits, a bathrobe set, and more. All new outfits now include a charm that you can put on your MyAG's necklace. New accessories include new earrings, a set of Innerstar University-themed accessories, a paint filly, a pet show set, fall treats, a nail care kit, a bathtub, and a healthy smile set. Visit the American Girl shop online and click on "what's new" to see pictures and prices.

Monthly Membership Stats
Here are the latest monthly membership stats:
New members in June: 3
New members in July: 8
Total members: 656

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