Online Newsletter #56

Autumn 2011

Girl of the Year 2012 Info

We know that the Girl of the Year 2012 will be named McKenna and that she will be a gymnast. Doll Diaries has a good summary of what we know about her (and the movie) here: Girl of the Year 2012: What we know so far. From what I have seen about the book summaries, the movie plot and character summaries recounted on Doll Diaries' site closely match the book plots, which is not surprising since AG is making the books, doll collection, and movie to coordinate.

2012 Historical Mysteries and other Books

A poster on the American Girl Fans Message Board, Yesterdays_Today, always comes through with info from library and bookseller sources on what AG books are coming up. Here's a peek at 2012 books, which include Cécile, Marie-Grace, and Rebecca mysteries! The mysteries will be released on February 28, 2012, according to You can also see the book covers for the mysteries on Amazon.

Take the Challenge!: Crazy Challenges and Silly Thrills to Explore Your Talents and Everyday Skills
Apryl Lundsten
December 27, 2011

The Cameo Necklace: A Cécile Mystery
Evelyn Coleman
As Cecile exits a crowded showboat after enjoying a lavish Floating Circus, she stumbles--and when she gets up, she realizes that the cameo necklace she borrowed from her aunt is no longer on her neck. Knowing that the necklace was the last gift Tante Tay's husband gave her before he died, Cecile is desperate to find it. As she tracks down the people in the crowd who were near her when she fell, her search takes her into many corners of New Orleans, from a society tea party to the crowded French Market, even the dangerous cypress swamps...and deep into secrets she never imagined! An illustrated Looking Back essay provides facts about the 1850s.

The Hidden Gold: A Marie-Grace Mystery
Sarah M Buckey
Marie-Grace can't wait to begin her journey up the Mississippi River with her father. The steamboat they're traveling on is the biggest and fanciest boat Marie-Grace has ever seen. It's crowded with all sorts of interesting passengers, including Wilhelmina Newman, a girl her age. Wilhelmina is traveling alone, and she's carrying a secret in one of her trunks--clues to hidden Gold Rush treasure. Marie-Grace and Wilhelmina have to unravel the clues to find the gold--and they're not the only ones looking for it! An illustrated "Looking Back" essay provides facts about the 1850s.

The Crystal Ball: A Rebecca Mystery
Jacqueline D Greene
Rebecca and her neighbor, Mr. Rossi, seem to be having a run of bad luck. When Mr. Rossi sprains his wrist, Rebecca takes over the care and feeding of his carrier pigeons. Then a strange black pigeon delivers an eerie message warning Mr. Rossi of danger, and Rebecca must jump into action to find answers. Where did the pigeon come from, and what sort of danger is lurking? Is Rebecca herself now in danger as well? Only a visit to a fortune teller will reveal the truth! An illustrated "Looking Back" essay provides facts about the 1900s.

Marie-Grace Treasure Tote
Girls can discover tiny treasures within this little tote--all inspired by Marie-Grace! Its filled with goodies that offer a peek into Marie-Grace's historical world: a mini abridged book, mini paper dolls with play scenes and dress-up stickers, a pencil pal, a doodle card, a puzzle page, and a mini craft.

Cécile Treasure Tote
Girls can discover tiny treasures within this little tote--all inspired by Cecile! Its filled with goodies that offer a peek into Cecile's historical world: a mini abridged book, mini paper dolls with play scenes and dress-up stickers, a pencil pal, a doodle card, a puzzle page, and a mini craft.

Samantha Treasure Tote
Girls can discover tiny treasures within this little tote--all inspired by Samantha! Its filled with goodies that offer a peek into Samantha’s historical world: a mini abridged book, mini paper dolls with play scenes and dress-up stickers, a pencil pal, a doodle card, a puzzle page, and a mini craft.

The New Girl Laurie Calkhoven
Each reader can imagine herself as the main character of this interactive story set in the world of Innerstar University!, She thinks Zo, the new girl, is brave for coming all the way from her home in France. She wants to get to know Zo, but she also feels a bit jealous about all the attention the new arrival is getting. When a couple of girls start to tease Zo, she feels torn--can she find the courage to speak up for what she knows is right? With more than 20 different endings, girls will enjoy this book again and again to see how different decisions change the story. Plus, each book comes with a secret access code to unlock additional endings online!

Behind the Scenes
Erin Falligant
Each reader can imagine herself as the main character in this interactive story, a creative girl who loves to make her own movies. When Innerstar University holds a movie contest, she puts together her best video. But when she fears that one of her friends might get upset about something in the movie, does she pull it from the contest? Or does she leave it in, knowing it has a good chance of winning? Readers decisions will teach them a lot about loyalty to themselves and to their friends. With more than 20 different endings, girls will enjoy this book again and again to see how different decisions change the story. Plus, each book comes with a secret access code to unlock additional endings online!

A Smart Girl's Guide to Liking Herself - Even on the Bad Days: The Secrets to Trusting Yourself, Being Your Best & Never Letting the Bad Days Bring You Down
Laurie Zelinger
Has a bad day got her down? In this advice-packed book, girls will learn how high self-esteem can turn a good day into a great day, while low self-esteem can make a bad day even worse. She'll learn tips for trusting herself, ideas for boosting her self-esteem (or for keeping it up), and how to feel her best in all kinds of situations. She is perfect just as she is, and this book will help her believe that to be true!

Doll Travel: Trips to Take and Crafts to Make!
Trula Magruder
Girls can design a dream vacation for their dolls! This kit includes supplies girls can use to create make-believe theme parks, sandy beaches, and charming cruises. Includes a real doll-sized duffel bag, an idea book, and travel essentials: a pretend passport, mini international maps, faux airline tickets, souvenirs, play money, and more.

Chocolate Chip Book & Plush
Chocolate Chips water games can keep girls giggling for hours on end! This book is filled with fun ideas for staying cool in the pool, around the sprinkler, or in the back yard. Includes Chocolate Chip, the lovable plush puppy, plus three sheets of stickers and a tear-out mini poster.

More Lists!: The Fill-It-In, Pass-It-Around Book for You and Your Friends
Discover the fill-it-in, pass-it-around book for girls and their friends! Its filled with fun and funny questions to get girls thinking: Which friend has traveled abroad? Trained a pet to do a trick? Or finished an entire banana split? Includes a tear-out guessing game to get started, plus space to write down answers and stickers to tag favorite facts.

Math + Fashion = Fun: Move to the Head of the Class with Math Puzzles to Help You Pass!
Aubre Andrus
Girls can move to the head of the class with math puzzles to help them pass! Packed with all kinds of puzzles and problems geared toward the stylish girl, this book gives girls creative ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide their way to a good time. Girls are invited to join in the fun as Isabel and her friends from Innerstar University give their math skills an arithmetic makeover. Plus, this book includes a special access code for even more skill-building activities online.

I [Heart] Art!: Move to the Head of the Class with Art Activities to Help You Pass!
Aubre Andrus
Inside this book, readers will find the secrets to creating original art! From doodling sketches to making masterpieces and everything in between, this book is just what a girl needs to pump up her creativity. Neely and the other Innerstar University guides teach about artistic styles, show how to draw faces, set the stage for fashion design, help create a collage, and so much more! Plus, this book includes a special access code for even more artistic activities online.

Greatest Mistakes: Move to the Head of the Class with Word Puzzles to Help You Pass!
Kristi Thom
Girls cant resist finding all the mistakes in this book! Readers are invited to the Innerstar University campus, where Logan and her friends will lead a search for bad grammar, poor punctuation, and other puzzling problems. Eight tear-out grammar guides help girls mark mistakes, create clever transitions, and more. An editors checklist pad makes polishing papers easy and fun! Includes a special access code for even more mix-ups online.

Find Your Way!: Move to the Head of the Class with Geography Puzzles to Help You Pass!
Kristi Thom
Readers can take a trip to Innerstar University, where Paige and her friends will lead the way on a fun-filled expedition! Girls can try to untangle the misprinted maps, muddled directions, and other puzzling problems on campus, across the United States, and abroad. Plus, 50 tear-out flash cards will help make learning facts about the states a snap. Includes a special access code for even more twisting, turning puzzles online.

Monthly Membership Stats

Here are the latest monthly membership stats:

New members in September: 2
New members in October: 5
New members in November: 2
Total members: 680

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