Online Newsletter #58
Summer 2012

New Historical doll this fall: Caroline Abbot from 1812!
American Girl itself has confirmed, via their
Facebook page, that the new historical girl coming this fall will be named Caroline Abbott and she will be from 1812! lists the titles of Caroline's books as:
Meet Caroline, Caroline's Secret Message, A Surprise for Caroline, Caroline Takes a Chance, Caroline's Battle, and
Changes for Caroline. Since this year is the 200th anniverary of the War of 1812, it is supposed that Caroline's books will have something to do with that.
American Girl Publishing's Caroline page confirms that she will be released, like most historicals, in September. They also have some "placeholder" book covers up that show Caroline's silhouette. She has wavy or curly hair and is wearing an Empire-waist, Regency-style dress.

New Releases!
On June 28, American girl released new items for Julie and Ivy, with the theme of a car wash to raise money to save the eagles. The centerpiece of this release is a Volkswagen Beetle with a hood and trunk that open, a "radio" that plays '70s songs, a horn that honks, working headlights, rolling wheels, and an engine that "runs" at the push of a button. The Beetle set also includes a bucket, window washer, bottle of soap, and a car wash sign. Julie and even Ivy got new clothes too: a smocked patchwork top, shorts, sandals, bandanna, and macramé necklace for Julie, and a white terrycloth romper with a rainbow waistband, sandals, and a bandanna for Ivy.
Other recent releases since the last newsletter include a rhythmic gymnastics set and a warm-up jacket with a medal for McKenna, a new African-American MyAG with curly hair, a new outfit that all MyAG dolls will arrive in, and many new outfits and accessories, including Meatloaf the dog, butterfly pajamas and robe, a hair styling kit, a volleyball set, a lacrosse set, a roller skating set, a Halloween outfit, two dresses, two casual outfits, new shoes and boots, an allergy-free lunch, hiking accessories and a tent, a bubble bathtub and shower, and an adorable service dog set.

Interesting Article about AG Headquarters
In a fascinating
article in the Chicago Tribune, Christopher Borrelli writes about his tour of AG Headquarters in Middleton, Wisconsin. He's even allowed into some high-security areas, like the product and character development area. Though no real substantive secrets are revealed, I thought I would share this article as I found it very interesting. One tantalizing tidbit from the article: "Eight or nine dolls are always in development, and a list of 30 more possibilities floats around." Who wouldn't like a sneak peek?!

Monthly Membership Stats
Here are the latest monthly membership stats:
New members in April: 1
New members in May: 1
Total members: 685

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