Online Newsletter #59
Autumn 2012

Caroline is Here!
On September 4, American Girl released their newest historical character--beautiful, brave Caroline Abbott from 1812! I have read Caroline's books, which take place in Sackett's Harbor, NY, as the War of 1812 is just beginning, and I believe they are among AG's best! Her collection, too, is beautiful. She comes in a pretty pink Empire-waist gown (as was the style in 1812), and her collection includes an accessories set with a straw bonnet, top, and little drawstring purse; a skiff; a traveling gown with boots; a spencer jacket and hat; a traveling basket with accessories; a purple Christmas gown; an elegant table and chairs; a party treats & tableware set; a light blue birthday dress; a royal blue winter coat and hat; a set of skating accessories that includes boots, skates, and mittens; a cat named Inkpot; a canopy bed; a nightgown; and a three-piece parlor set with decorative accessories.

Girl of the Year 2013 Information
Doll Diaries has a page on what information we know about the GOTY 2013 so far
here. The girl's name is Saige and she is from New Mexico. She likes horses and is trying to save her school's fine arts programs from cutbacks. According to information shared on the American Girl Fans Message Board, actress Jane Seymour has posted on her Facebook page that she is cast in an American Girl movie whose plot elements match the book summaries on Doll Diaries's page.

Other Recent Releases
Check out the "What's New" section of the American Girl website to see not only Caroline's items but also many more items released for MyAG, Bitty Baby, and Bitty Twins. MyAG has a number of new holiday and winter outfits, snow sport accessories, a Christmas baking set, a winter chalet, Halloween costumes, and a few other things.

Monthly Membership Stats
Here are the latest monthly membership stats:
New members in June: 2
New members in July: 5
New members in August: 3
New members in September: 1
New country: Kuwait
Total members: 696

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