Online Newsletter #8
October 2002
The new products are out, and you can learn more about them here, in The Society of
American Girl Collectors online newsletter!

Kaya is Here!
On September 3rd, American Girl officially launched Kaya through
their website. Kaya's collection contains the following outfits and accessories: Kaya doll & book
with deerskin dress & moccasins; accessories with bag & belt pouch; an adorned deerskin dress; a
hat & parfleche; a winter cape with hood, mittens, & moccasins; Kaya's dog Tatlo & a travois;
Kaya's horse, Steps High; Steps High's foal, Sparks Flying; a saddle; a doll & cradleboard set; a
craft kit; a basket & foods set; a tepee with a fire that lights up; and a bedroll set with a
shield that sits outside a tepee to show who lives inside. Kaya's collection also includes a
Jingle dress of today, which is the kind of dress that modern Nez Perce girls and women wear for
dances at Powwows. Kaya's collection will appear in the October catalog, which some people have
already received.

American Girl Today Line Expands
With the September product introduction,
Pleasant Company also added many outfits and accessories for the American Girl Today. First of
all, when you choose and order a doll, it no longer comes with the "Urban Outfit" but with a new
outfit entitled the "Go Anywhere Outfit." Accordingly, there are also now "Go Anywhere"
accessories. Two new outfits which also have counterparts to fit girls are the ski trip outfit and
the Oriental-style snowflake pajamas. Other outfits and accessories are: a Swan Lake ballet
costume with a leotard; a baking outfit with an apron; baking accessories with cookies, a mixer,
and more; baking accessories for Coconut; a travel carrier for Coconut; a suitcase and backpack for
dolls; a trail bike with a helmet; Mary Janes, ankle boots, and gray sneakers; a socks & tights
set; and and undies set. The "sweet dreams" section got an update, as the bed, bedding, and
armoire were all introduced with a new yellow/flower scheme. There is also a new nighttime
accessories set comprised of a reading pillow, a flower rug, and a journal.

Pleasant Company Debuts Bitty Twins and Updates Bitty Baby
In September, Pleasant
Company also released the Bitty Twins, a set with 15" boy and girl dolls. This marks the first
time Pleasant Company has sold a boy doll. The basic set includes pink & blue sleepers, diapers,
and a book. There is also a teal & purple themed play outfits set with corduroy overalls for the
boy and a corduroy dress for the girl. The holiday outfits set includes a maroon dress for the
girl and a green vest and khaki corduroy pants outfit for the boy. Also available is a double
stroller for the twins. Society Member Sue Mika reports that although they are only available in
Caucasion blonde for now, if demand is high, they will introduce other ethnicities.
The Bitty Baby collection also received some changes. The newest set is a Winter Wonderland outfit
with a snowglobe and a scarf for Bitty Bear. Sue also sent me a nice summary of many of the
changes to the Bitty Baby line. She says: "For Bitty Baby, there are many new items --- a new
onesie t-shirt set which is white with little purple, yellow�& pink hearts. It comes with a pair of
yellow socks, a white knit baby cap with two tassels on top & the Bitty logo embroidered at the
brim and a yellow receiving blanket. It's so cute. [This was something I couldn't find on the
website though. --ed.] Also, the starter set was revamped. It now does not include the Fun in the
Sun & Birthday. There is the same suitcase only now lined in a plaid yellow, purple & pink print.
It comes with an adorable yellow print longsleeve shirt and purple overall dress, white lace up
sneakers, different colored blocks, some type of baby toy, a white hooded terry bathrobe, and new
lotion bottles with the new logo on them. The Bitty Baby now comes in a beautiful pink sleeper with
floral vine at the bodice. It has a ruffled type collar. The girl's matching nightgown (a first for
Bitty sleepwear for girls) is the same as the sleeper, only it is a gown $28. The Bitty Bunch will
now include Bitty Piggy and Bitty Ducky. There is a soft fabric house which will be Bitty Bunch
sized. There is also a new Bitty Bunch tea set (looks the same as the other one, just has new
colors). There is also a new stroller, crib and crib bedding. The new bedding is now a light yellow
with pink & purple heart print. The lullaby basket is also updated! It has the plaid trim ribbon
and the fleece blanket is now pale yellow. The heart which plays music will be purple." New
accessories include a diaper bag set and a lunch fun set. Other items which are appearing in the
new color scheme include the backpack baby carrier, the front-of-body baby carrier, the rocking
horse, Bitty Bear's suitcase, and the high chair.

Hallmark Launches American Girl Product Line
The Hallmark-American Girl line
which was described in
last month's newsletter is now out in stores.
Some members report attending premiers which featured refreshments, music, and long lines of
people. Reactions to the products are mixed, with some criticism of particular products such as
the figurines, but overall the reaction to the products has been very positive. Unfortunately,
some members found out that only Gold Crown Hallmark stores (I wasn't aware there were different
kinds of Hallmark stores) get to carry the American Girls line. The other stores will not get the
products. If you're not sure which kind of store the Hallmark closest to you is, you may want to
call ahead before going out. Society Member Sarah points us to the website for Jo's Hallmark in
Arizona, which lists events taking place at Hallmark stores. Sarah reports that the events listed
will be taking place nationwide and not just at that Hallmark. Thanks, Sarah!
Another person, Anna, who has found
our message board, emailed me the following: "I went to the Hallmark "premiere" today, and in a
conversation with the manager, she mentioned that in the contract Hallmark has with PC, Hallmark
will be licenesed for three years for AG items. Next fall more new items will be released and dolls
will be available. She was unsure on the doll part - whether they would be real American girls,
Bitty Baby, or dolls of many lands, or something completely different. She also "slipped" and
mentioned Bitty Baby items, but quickly retracted her statement, so I am unsure if it was an honest
name mix-up, or if Bitty Baby items will also be coming out next year." Thanks, Anna!

Girls of Many Lands Preview Pics
Society member Susan was kind enough to send me
some pictures of the new Girls of Many Lands Dolls.
The English, French, and Chinese girls
The Indian and Alaskan girls
A closer look at the Indian girl
Thanks, Susan!

Monthly Membership Update
Here are the stats for September:
New Members: 20
New States: North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado
New Country:

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